5th “JEITA Venture Awards”Application Guidelines

Outline of the Fifth “JEITA Venture Awards”

1. Objectives

Amid the significant changes in industrial and social structures due to the advancement of technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) is working on the creation of new businesses with the aim to further develop the IT and electronics industry in cooperation with companies and industries, including venture companies and overseas business entities, for the realization of Society 5.0 through Connected Industries aimed at the creation of new values through advanced utilization of information. The “JEITA Venture Awards” is held as one of JEITA’s such initiatives with the aim to support venture companies that will lead the development of the IT and electronics industry and to realize co-creation and cooperation between JEITA members and start-ups (excellent venture companies), while supporting ecosystems.
The FY2019 Fifth “JEITA Venture Awards” is held to judge, select and award venture companies that may contribute to the overall development of the electronics and information technology industry and economic development based on three viewpoints (growth potential and leadership, influence and social impact) from among the venture companies that are expected to contribute to the development of the electronics and information technology industry.

2. Candidates

Venture companies which have been founded within the past 15 years and contribute to the electronics and information technology industry are eligible as candidates. If any recommendation is made or application is filed: not only for domestic venture companies but also for overseas venture companies invested in by Japanese companies, venture companies managed by persons with Japanese nationality or overseas venture companies considering entry into the Japanese market, and the relevant venture company is regarded as being suitable for the award, such company will also be examined and judged.

3. Fields Eligible for the Award

Venture companies operating in the following fields in relation to electronics and information technology will be awarded.
(1) Manufacturing, (2) Social infrastructure (excluding mobility), (3) Medical and healthcare,
(4) Smart House, (5) Mobility, (6) Energy, (7) Agriculture,
(8) Logistics and distribution, (9) Industrial Safety, (10) Educational service,
(11) Finance, (12) Cyber security, (13) AI and information technology, (14) Other (including software development)

4. Application Period

From December 9, 2019 (Mon.) to February 3, 2020 (Mon.) noon (JST GMT+9 firm deadline)

5. Sponsor

Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA)

6. Awarding Ceremony

Date: March 24, 2020 (Tue.) * From 10:00 to 11:30 (* planned)
Venue: Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association
Award product: Winners will be presented a certificate of commendation and commemorative gift

<Reference: Past Awards>

FY2018 In the Fourth “JEITA Venture Awards,” JEITA received many applications with respect to companies belonging to one of the 14 fields and awarded the 3 short-listed initiatives.
FY2017 In the Third “JEITA Venture Awards,” JEITA received many applications with respect to companies belonging to one of the 14 fields and awarded the 6 short-listed initiatives.
FY2016 In the Second “JEITA Venture Awards,” JEITA received many applications with respect to companies belonging to one of the 14 fields and awarded the 7 short-listed initiatives.
FY2015 In the First “JEITA Venture Awards,” JEITA received many applications with respect to companies belonging to one of the 12 fields and awarded the 8 short-listed initiatives.
◇ For the details of “JEITA Venture Awards,” see JEITA’s website (the following URL).

JEITA Venture Awards Application Guidelines

    1. Candidates

  • (1) Venture companies (*) which have been founded within the past 15 years and contribute to the electronics and information technology industry are eligible as candidates. If any recommendation is made or application is filed: not only for domestic venture companies but also for overseas venture companies invested in by Japanese companies, venture companies managed by persons with Japanese nationality or overseas venture companies considering entry into the Japanese market, and the relevant venture company is regarded as being suitable for the award, such company will also be examined and judged.
  • * Sole proprietors or corporations that fall under any of the following
    Manufacturing and others: Capitalized at less than 300 million yen or having less than 300 regularly employed workers
    Wholesale: Capitalized at less than 100 million yen or having less than 100 regularly employed workers
    Service: Capitalized at less than 50 million yen or having less than 100 regularly employed workers
    Retail: Capitalized at less than 50 million yen or having less than 50 regularly employed workers
  • (2) Recommendations shall be filed from the public. Qualifications of recommenders will not be limited but self-recommendations are not allowed.

2. Application Method

  • (1) A letter of recommendation must be submitted by the recommender. Please fill out the letter of recommendation (application form) and send it to the secretariat of the JEITA Venture Awards by e-mail by February 3, 2020 (Mon.) (firm deadline).
    Please note that the submitted letter of recommendation (application form) and related application documents, etc. will not be returned. The form of the letter of recommendation (application form) can be downloaded from our website.
  • (2) In addition to submitting the letter of recommendation (application form), please inform us about the web page (URL) on which information such as the outline of the recommended company or product catalogue are published.
    Application costs are free but please bear the costs for preparing and sending the letter of recommendation (application form).
  • (3) Method to send documents, etc.
  • ◎Please send the letter of recommendation (application form) by e-mail to the following e-mail address.
    E-mail: ts2019@jeita.or.jp
    JEITA Venture Awards(Application Form)
  • ◎If you have any relevant material which cannot be sent by e-mail (i.e. brochures or booklets showing the company profile or product catalogues), please send them to the address mentioned in (6) below (Secretariat of JEITA Venture Awards) by mail or courier service by February 3, 2020 (Mon.) (firm deadline). [one set]
  • ※If any defects, etc. are found in the submitted documents, the relevant company cannot be judged.
    <Please note that the Secretariat may contact you to make confirmations.>
  • (4) The letter of recommendation (application form) and information obtained from the recommender at the time of judgment will not be used for purposes other than the original intent of this project.
  • (5) Application deadline: February 3, 2020 (Mon.) noon (firm deadline)
  • (6) Destination and inquiries
    Secretariat of JEITA Venture Awards
    Ote Center Building 5F 1-1-3 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004 Japan
    Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association, Business Development And Strategy Divisin Technical Strategy Department
    E-mail: ts2019@jeita.or.jp

3. Selection

  • (1) Judgment and selection
    The judging committee consisting of academic experts, etc. will select the winner(s) by evaluating the letter of recommendation in a comprehensive manner from the following three viewpoints: (a) growth potential and leadership; (b) influence; and (c) social impact.
    Evaluation viewpoint Evaluation item
    (a) Growth potential and leadership The product or service has growth potential and leadership and is marketable with a clear target market.
    (b) Influence The technology related to the product or service is found to have a major influence such that it is used by various companies, etc. through standardization and social implementation.
    (c) Social Impact The product or service is found to contribute to the solution of social challenges in Japan.
  • (i) Candidates will basically be judged based on documents, but interviews with the recommender (or the contact person) may be conducted when necessary.
  • (2) Notification of the selection result
    Selected recommenders will be notified of the results after the final judgment (during the period from the end of February to the beginning of March) (The recommender is requested to notify the award winner of the result). Please note that recommenders who were not selected will not be notified of the results.
  • (i) The progress and contents of the judgment will not be notified by any means.
  • (ii) JEITA will not accept any inquiries concerning the details of the judgment or the name of the applicant company that was not selected or any oppositions against the judgment results.

4. Details of the Award

  • (i) Winners will be introduced in a press release.
  • (ii) Winners will be presented a certificate of commendation and commemorative gift.
  • (iii) Winners may publish the outline of the company or other relevant information on JEITA’s website “Venture Awards introduction site.”
  • (iv) If the winner wishes to do so, the membership fee for a JEITA regular member will be exempted for two years.
  • (v) Winners will be provided with an exhibition space in the start-ups area at CEATEC 2020 for free.
  • (vi) In addition to the above, JEITA is considering holding a networking event with its member companies.

5. Other reminders

  • (1) Rescission of the award, etc.
    Please note that the recommendation may be invalidated or the award may be rescinded if any of the following cases apply.
  • •When there were any acts that may conflict with the objective of the award or any false statements.
  • •When the winner is found unsuitable for the award based on social conventions such as violation of laws and regulations.
  • (2) Handling of information, etc.
    Personal data will be managed and administered based on the privacy policy stated in JEITA’s website (the following URL) in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations and guidelines concerning personal data.
  • 【個人情報保護方針】https://www.jeita.or.jp/japanese/privacy/
  • [Privacy policy] https://www.jeita.or.jp/japanese/privacy/ (Japanese only)