If you have any questions, please use our inquiry form to contact us.
(Please understand that we do not accept inquiries by phone.)

  1. Input inquiry
  2. Confirm information
  3. Complete inquiry

Please fill in the necessary items in the form below and push the "Proceed to confirmation" button.

Required items are marked accordingly.
Please check the "I agree" box to confirm your consent to JEITA's handling of personal information.

Handling of personal information
Name of company/association
Name (First, Last)
Name of division
Postal code
Address 1
Address 2
Phone no.
Fax no.
Email address
Reenter email address
Type of inquiry

Your inquiry

Important notes before you contact us


  • The above information will be used by JEITA to respond to your inquiry.
  • According to the nature of your inquiry, JEITA may be unable to respond or may need some time to respond.
  • The individual making the above inquiry can request that their personal information be disclosed, corrected, or deleted. Please phone us at +81-3-5219-1050.
  • If the information entered above is incorrect, we may be unable to respond to your inquiry.
  • JEITA's response to your inquiry is intended only for the individual making the inquiry. Please do not reproduce all or part of that response or put it to any other secondary use.