December 2012 Imports of Electronics into Japan

Source: Ministry of Finance (million yen, % = in comparison with the previous year)
Item December 2012 2012 total to date
        Amount % Amount %
Consumer electronic equipment 54,140 82.0 590,491 63.4
  Video equipment 39,746 77.6 429,611 55.9
  Audio equipment 14,394 97.5 160,880 99.3
Industrial electronic equipment 336,627 104.4 4,082,799 117.2
  Communications equipment 140,127 101.5 1,846,349 139.4
  Telecommunications systems 932 71.1 11,705 85.0
  Radio communication systems 139,195 101.8 1,834,644 140.0
  Computers and related equipment 155,466 105.5 1,768,572 102.5
  Electronic application equipment 27,581 112.7 310,210 107.7
  Electric measuring instrumentation 12,542 107.7 146,821 110.1
  Electronic business machines 911 111.6 10,847 88.1
Electronic components and devices 279,918 106.5 3,444,656 102.2
  Electronic components 35,630 105.7 462,071 107.2
  Passive components 8,254 93.6 107,670 94.8
  Connecting components 7,654 94.6 100,012 98.7
  Electronic boards 8,152 120.2 92,965 100.9
  Transducers 8,040 97.1 109,985 111.9
  Others 3,530 202.4 51,438 200.8
  Electronic devices 149,692 111.8 1,708,560 101.1
  Electronic tubes 659 138.5 10,104 102.9
  Discrete semiconductors 37,183 176.6 318,561 122.3
  Integrated circuits (ICs) 111,850 99.5 1,379,895 97.2
  Parts and accessories 94,597 99.4 1,274,024 101.9
TOTAL 670,685 103.0 8,117,945 104.3

Note: In accordance with the "Adoption of Simplified Declaration Procedure" by the Customs and Tariff Bureau of Japan, from April 2001 a one-month time lag was implemented on the timing of the official announcement of monthly import statistics. As a result, the JEITA web site now presents industry-related import statistics one month after export statistics, which are not influenced by the procedure change.