June 2008 Production by the Japanese Electronics Industry

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) (million yen, % = in comparison with the previous year)
Item June 2008 2008 total to date
        Amount % Amount %
Consumer electronic equipment 252,919 118.1 1,367,560 110.7    
Industrial electronic equipment 540,829 91.4 3,386,499 94.3    
  Communications equipment 246,684 96.9 1,468,483 100.1    
  Telecommunications systems 49,356 104.3 314,614 110.5    
  Radio communication systems 197,328 95.2 1,153,869 97.5    
  Computers and related equipment 160,785 93.3 1,063,887 96.5    
  Electronic application equipment 78,028 88.5 503,013 93.1    
  Electric measuring instrumentation 36,762 72.1 240,529 75.4    
  Electronic business machines 18,570 73.6 110,587 67.9    
Electronic components and devices 864,935 102.6 5,102,959 102.1    
  Electronic components 270,405 95.8 1,637,361 97.6    
  Passive components 85,621 93.8 515,044 95.1    
  Connecting components 76,404 97.6 470,191 103.4    
  Electronic boards 79,653 98.6 476,070 95.9    
  Transducers 3,501 103.7 21,006 99.2    
  Others 25,226 88.9 155,050 94.9    
  Electronic devices 594,530 106.0 3,465,598 104.3    
  Electronic tubes 28,040 104.6 178,173 99.9    
  Discrete semiconductors 97,414 103.4 571,738 104.1    
  Integrated circuits (ICs) 309,167 99.3 1,778,344 98.0    
  Liquid crystal devices (LCDs) 159,909 124.3 937,343 120.0    
TOTAL 1,658,683 100.6 9,857,018 100.3