March 2008 Production by the Japanese Electronics Industry

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) (million yen, % = in comparison with the previous year)
Item March 2008 2008 total to date
        Amount % Amount %
Consumer electronic equipment 250,349 102.3 646,933 104.8    
Industrial electronic equipment 804,870 94.6 1,945,105 95.4    
  Communications equipment 375,788 103.8 857,292 101.9    
  Telecommunications systems 78,397 109.7 181,628 112.1    
  Radio communication systems 297,391 102.3 675,664 99.4    
  Computers and related equipment 224,856 89.0 600,643 95.8    
  Electronic application equipment 121,656 89.5 288,764 94.8    
  Electric measuring instrumentation 63,762 88.2 141,153 81.0    
  Electronic business machines 18,808 66.6 57,253 63.1    
Electronic components and devices 920,084 102.0 2,600,304 103.0    
  Electronic components 276,770 94.7 827,654 98.9    
  Passive components 86,395 91.6 258,153 95.4    
  Connecting components 78,717 103.9 236,185 106.9    
  Electronic boards 81,121 90.7 242,543 97.1    
  Transducers 3,598 94.8 10,487 94.6    
  Others 26,939 93.5 80,286 95.3    
  Electronic devices 643,314 105.4 1,772,650 104.9    
  Electronic tubes 37,166 119.2 88,622 92.4    
  Discrete semiconductors 101,231 105.7 292,399 107.5    
  Integrated circuits (ICs) 314,952 95.5 904,795 99.8    
  Liquid crystal devices (LCDs) 189,965 123.8 486,834 117.5    
TOTAL 1,975,303 98.8 5,192,342 100.2