Surveys and Statistics

Research and statistical work for timely identification of trends in a wide range of product fields

JEITA compiles industry statistics with the cooperation of member companies, releasing the results on our website. The many different types of industry statistics that we collect are widely used as economic indicators for understanding industry trends. Our various reports, including field-specific market trend surveys, forecast surveys and data collections, are also utilized to identify industry trends and as the basis for policymaking.

Global Production Forecast

This production forecast for the global IT/electronics industry is announced every December along with the forecast for the following year. It is the only set of data covering the entire industry and is produced through the combined efforts of all JEITA’s product boards. As well as identifying global trends, it sets out the position of Japanese companies in the world and the status of domestic production for each product in a user-friendly manner. We discuss the year’s key growth topics, and use graphs to illustrate global production trends over the last 10 years along with industry scale and forecasts.

Global Production Forecast
Survey of Solution Services Market Scale

As efforts to promote DX as a means of transforming society and business gather pace, data-based business has taken on a new importance. JEITA regularly conducts statistical surveys on solution services as the key to realizing Society 5.0. We added statistics by area of use in FY2016 and DX-related statistics in FY2019. DX has become an emerging market, accounting for 2 trillion yen of the total 8.1 trillion yen in solution services sales.

DX Share