Policy Recommendations

Policy recommendations toward realizing Society 5.0

JEITA delivers recommendations and requests to the government and relevant organizations at home and overseas concerning improvements to the business environment and regulatory and institutional reforms to further enhance the R&D that will enable the early societal implementation of digital technologies and strengthen sustainable industrial competitiveness.

Tax Amendments/
Regulatory Reform

JEITA makes approaches to the government and to relevant organizations to strengthen international competitiveness by ensuring a level playing field and encouraging strategic investment in R&D, both of which are essential for member companies with global operations, and to deal with and simplify taxation, which is becoming increasingly complex both at home and abroad. We also submit requests to the government for tax system amendments and regulatory reform so as to promote digital investment in all industries toward finding digital solutions to social issues, as well as to encourage new service creation and greater productivity.

DX Promotion

The advance of new digital technologies such as IoT, robotics, and AI along with the deployment of 5G as near real-time communications infrastructure has opened the way for the creation of new value beyond industry bounds. JEITA too is working with not only IT and electronics companies but also service firms and many other stakeholders on activities that promote digital transformation (DX) and contribute to the creation of local 5G-based digital service markets.